aska@unit1202:~$ tranterminal .
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   |_|_|  \__,_|_| |_|_|\___|_|  |_| |_| |_|_|_| |_|\__,_|_|
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:: getting off of TTTT...
:: backend done...
:: launching user-interface...
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What is TranTerminal?

TranTerminal is my personal website. This is where I dump the outputs of my various hobbies, opinions and thoughts. I've formatted it as a sort of terminal - inspired by the setting I'm writing in. You can read more about that on Synthworld.My texts are split into "essays" and "schizoposts" for reasons which are self-evident if you take a look at Essays or Schizoposts.

Other than that you can also take a look at my Gallery, where I post anything I find funny. I'll also post pictures and updates of my Beta Minecraft world where I schizopost in full voxel 3D!

Why TranTerminal? - I'm a tranny, simple as.

Who am I?

Online I usually go by Phroot - or some variation of it - you can also call me Aska [she / her]. I like worldbuilding, philosophy, art and writing. The result of which is this fledgling website.

Social Media

Twitter Discord Bluesky E-Mail
@phroololo phroot
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:: petting the cat...
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:: petting complete...